Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Networks and Movements

This looks interesting. And it is the kind of work I think I should be doing. I don't know the (vast?) social movement literature real well, but what a chance to explore it. The obstacle I wonder about is how to get data in such a compressed time frame.

Are these topical special issues more for people already for people well-entrenched in their sub-sub area, as opposed to being incentives for hungry young scholars like me to branch out? Or maybe incentives for wiley old scholars (not me) to reinvent themselves?

And to collaborate with someone presupposes I am appealing to collaborate with. How do you become very appealing? Seems like a chicken-and-egg problem.

Cluck, cluck...


Special Issue on Social Movements in Organizations and Markets

The Administrative Science Quarterly is seeking papers for a special issue on Social Movements in Organizations and Markets, guest edited by Gerald Davis, Calvin Morrill, Hayagreeva Rao, and Sarah Soule. Social movements are motors of cultural, technological, and institutional innovation in organizations and markets and have increasingly attracted the attention of organizational researchers. Organizations are both actors in, and sites of, social movement activities; moreover, movements and organizations share common mechanisms of organized action. A special issue provides an opportunity for ASQ to develop better theory about organizations and organizing in the light of contestation and collective action.

The guest editors encourage submissions of theoretical and empirical work on social movements in organizations and markets. We invite contributions that span the interorganizational, organizational, and the person level. The call for papers, and some prospective topics, can be viewed at:

The last date for submissions is May 1, 2007. Manuscripts in ASQ format can be submitted to Asq-submit@johnson.cornell.edu, with the subject-line heading "Social Movements Special Issue." See the Notice to Contributors on the ASQ Web page (http://www.johnson.cornell.edu/publications/asq/) for information on preparing manuscripts.

The last date for submissions is May 1, 2007. Manuscripts in ASQ format can be submitted to Asq-submit@johnson.cornell.edu, with the subject-line heading "Social Movements Special Issue." See the Notice to Contributors on the ASQ Web page (http://www.johnson.cornell.edu/publications/asq/) for information on preparing manuscripts.


Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in your best references to get a good overview of social movement theory or organization theory approaches to social movements or social movement organizations. Whatcha got for me? Cotton

Anonymous said...


Here's a crazy idea. I actually know something about social movement organizations. I've been doing it for 12 years. And you've got academic cred. Maybe we should do something...cs

jordi comas said...


That woudl be awesome. Lets taalk about it at your bachelor party...

jordi (thats my pseuodonym)